Section: Application Domains

Simulation tools and methodology

simulation, component-based modeling, parallel and distributed simulation, reproducibility, architecture description language

Components are being used in simulation since many years. However, given its many application fields and its high computation needs, simulation is still a challenging application for component-based programming techniques and tools.

We have been exploring the application of Oasis programming methods to simulation problems in various areas of engineering problems, but also of financial applications.

More recently, with the arrival of O. Dalle in the team, and following a work previously started in the Mascotte project-team in 2006 [59] , we are pursuing research on applying distributed component-based programming techniques to simulation. More precisely, new results are sought in three directions:

  • improvement of simulation tools and methodology with techniques and tools borrowed from latest research in component-based software engineering;

  • improvement of simulation scalability using high performance and distributed computing techniques;

  • application of the results in the previous directions, in particular to the simulation of very large-scale distributed systems, such as peer-to-peer networks.